الحَمدُ لله
Minimum of 8 hours of videos
A set of a minimum of 8 hours of pre-recorded videos in a total of which there are around 7 hours of Grammar videos(contains many examples, a lot of vocabulary, sentences, etc), about 1 hour of lessons (stories and activities), and a few vocabulary videos.
الحَمدُ لله
The Original Cost was - USD 60
Total Cost NOW :
USD 32
You will have access to our videos for a minimum of 5 Years after you start receiving our videos, in shaa' Allah.
The course is for all females only. They may show it to their female children and male children below 11, in shaa’ Allah.
Here’s a testimonial:
I have been following Sister ’s videos to enhance my learning of the Arabic language, in shaa’ Allah. I love that the details that go with a topic and the use of colours to explain the relationship of each word in the videos. - Hanna, London
الحَمدُ لله
Payment methods:
Click “BUY NOW “ to pay by card,
إن شآء الله
In case you want to do a Bank transfer, WUM or PayPal, please contact us on
If you want to know the list of grammar lessons taught please click “E-books.” We have taught all those topics.
الحَمدُ لله
If you want a sample video, please send us an email