Analyze what you do

One of the biggest tricks of shaitan is to try to persuade people to procrastinate in the matter of seeking ILM of the Deen of Islam.

The more a Muslim Knows about Islam, the more they Love it,

إن شاء الله


الحمد لله.

The more a Muslim Knows about ALLAH and loves HIM, the more pain the person feels even hearing about someone very dear to them disobeying ALLAH .


🌸How many hours are *in a week?*

There are 24 hours x 7 = *168 hours *

In those 168 hours, how can a person not want to spend at least 2-3 hours *Learning the language of the Qur’aan?*


How many hours do you sleep in a week?

Many sleep 6 hours a day that's 6x7= 42 hours of sleep in a week!

How many hours do some of us spend watching some useless videos on social media?

How many hours of wasting time?

الله أعلم

In life there are always many things going on. But we still usually manage to do the things *we want to,*

unless ALLAH prevents us from doing certain things.

Some sisters say they are busy with school etc.

People choose to go to school and university.

I haven’t read of a rule in the Qur'aan or in the AHadeeth SaHeeh that states that we “must” go to these schools/universities.

We are supposed to seek beneficial Knowledge.

That can be done with any *good teacher* even at home 🏡 ,

الحمد لله.

Most people don’t even need most of the things they learnt 📚 in "certain" schools and universities.

الحمد لله على كل حال.

🌹I know for a fact that if you really want to learn Arabic for the sake of ALLAH alone, ALLAH will surely make it easy for you,

إن شاء الله

ALLAH Grants barakah to whom HE WILLS.

We *shouldn’t* depend on our selves.

We must rely on ALLAH ALONE.

لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله.

Student of Knowledge